What is " Business Manager"?

" Business Manager " is a residence status in Japan that is established to enable foreign nationals to substantially participate in the management or administration of business operations. It allows individuals to engage in activities related to strategic decision-making, resource management, policy implementation, and other aspects of running a business or organization in Japan.


Under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, the "Business Administration and Management" residence status is exemplified as engaging in activities such as "managing or operating trade and other businesses." However, it is important to note that the scope of this residence status is not limited to trade-related work. If you are involved in activities related to managing or operating a business, regardless of the specific industry or field, it falls under the " Business Manager " visa category.

What does 'engaging in trade and other businesses' mean?

1,"Engaging in trade and other businesses" includes establishing a base of operations such as an office in Japan and commencing business activities related to trade and other industries.


2,"Engaging in trade and other existing business operations" refers to participating in the management of trade and other businesses that are already being conducted in Japan.


3,"Engaging in the management of trade and other businesses" in Japan refers to starting the management of trade or other business operations or taking over the management of such businesses that are already being conducted in Japan.

"What does it mean to be engaged in business management?"

1,To be engaged in business management means to be involved in the management of a business that has been started and is being operated in Japan, or to be involved in the management of a business in which one participates.


2, To be engaged in business management in Japan means to be involved in the management of a trade or other business that has been started, or to be involved in the management of such businesses in Japan on behalf of the person who initiated them or is currently operating them.




In business, "suitability," "stability," and "continuity" are sought after.

  When hiring employees, it is necessary to enroll in labor insurance and social insurance.
In order to operate a business properly, it is essential to comply with laws and regulations, such as obtaining the necessary permits and licenses.
By adhering to these legal requirements and ensuring proper operation, the business can maintain compliance and operate in a responsible manner.




If a business is not deemed to be stable and capable of being operated continuously, such as when it becomes unable to sustain itself during the validity period of the residence status, it may not be eligible for an "Business Manager" visa.  
These assessments are made based on various pieces of information, including "sales revenue," "profits," "number of employees,"and other factors, in order to make a comprehensive judgment. The "business plan" and "financial projections" also serve as important assessment materials.




It is necessary to have a reasonable expectation that the business activities will be conducted reliably in the future. A comprehensive assessment is made, taking into consideration factors such as the financial results and the financial position from the previous fiscal year. If the business has incurred losses or has no retained earnings, it is considered a "cautionary situation."


  Even if liabilities exceed assets, there may still be ways to address the situation. Please consult with us for advice and guidance on how to deal with your specific circumstances.



If an individual who holds a "Engineer" residence status is promoted or becomes a business owner or manager, it is necessary to promptly change their visa to the " Business Manager" visa.

〇To be eligible for an " Business Manager" visa, the following conditions must be met:

The business must have a physical establishment and be in operation.

 ※Unless there are exceptional circumstances that justify the use of short-term rental spaces, or virtual offices, they are generally not recognized as valid business establishments for the purpose of the "Business Manager" visa.
 ※For leased properties, it is necessary to have a rental agreement specifically for business purposes. The property should be leased or rented under a contract that designates it as a business establishment.
 ※Even if a property is rented under a residential lease agreement, there is a possibility that it may be recognized as a valid business establishment.


Business scale.

 (1)The business must employ two or more full-time employees who are either "Japanese citizens," "Special Permanent Residents," "Permanent Residents," "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident," or "Long-Term Residents" residing in Japan, excluding foreigners engaged in management or administration.
 (2)If the business is operated in the form of a company, it must have a total capital investment of 5 million yen or more.
 (3)The business should have a similar scale as described in (1) and (2) above.

In the case of entrepreneurship by international students or similar situations, the source of capital investment, such as parental support, will be subject to rigorous scrutiny. Consequently, documentary evidence of the capital procurement method, including how the funds were raised, will be required as part of the application process.


To be recognized as a manager in business administration, the following criteria must be met:

  It is necessary to have at least three years of practical experience in business management or administration and be engaged in the management of the business while receiving compensation equal to or higher than that of a Japanese national.

Regarding the required documents:

2,A photo (4cm x 3cm in vertical orientation)
3,A self-addressed envelope with a postage stamp attached (for registered mail).


The required documents may vary depending on factors such as the "scale of the company." Please refer to the following URL for confirmation and specific submission requirements.


Immigration Services Agency of Japan website.



◎Regarding international students who continue their entrepreneurial activities after graduating from university,


In certain cases, if specific requirements are met, international students may be allowed to change their residence status to a "Designated Activities Visa" for a maximum period of six months after graduation, specifically for the purpose of continuing their entrepreneurial activities.


The required documents in the aforementioned case would include:
1,The required documents include the graduation certificate or equivalent from the university where the applicant was
  enrolled until shortly before the application.

2,The required documents include a letter of recommendation from the university where the applicant was enrolled until
  shortly before the application.

3,A business plan is required.
4,Documents such as a Certificate of Company Registration are required.
5,Documents that prove the ability to cover all expenses are required.
6,Documents that clarify the scale of the business are required.
7,Documents that provide an overview of the business establishment are required.
8,Documents that clarify the contents of entrepreneurship support provided by the university are required.
9.Documents that demonstrate that the international student has secured means of return to their home country are



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