How to enter Japan

Foreign nationals who attempt to enter Japan are required to obtain a status of residence based on the purpose of their intended activities and be granted permission to land in Japan. This status of residence is necessary for them to reside in Japan.


The types of status of residence can be broadly classified into four categories.

‚PAVisas related to status (qualifications for status and other categories).
‚QAVisas related to employment (activity type qualifications).
‚RAStatus of residence with work restrictions.
‚SADesignated Activities


Within these four categories, there are 29 types of status of residence defined as follows.

Types of status of residence.

There are four types of visas related to status.

  1. Permanent Resident
  2. Spouse or Child of Japanese National
  3. Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
  4. Long Term Resident

These visas related to status. are provided for in the Immigration Control Act and allow for unrestricted employment in JapaniWork visas are limited to specific types of work.j




There are 19 types of work visas.

  1. Diplomat
  2. Official
  3. Professor
  4. Artist
  5. Religious Activities
  6. Journalist
  7. Specialist in Humanities/International Servicesitype‚PAtype‚Qj
  8. Investor/Business Manager
  9. Legal/Accounting Services
  10. Medical Services
  11. Researcher
  12. Instructor
  13. Engineer
  14. Intra-company Transferee
  15. Nursing Care
  16. Entertainer
  17. Skilled Labor
  18. Specified Skilled Worker
  19. Technical Intern Training

These work visas. are provided for in the Immigration Control Act and limit the type of work that can be performed in Japan.



There are 5 types of statuses of residence that prohibit work in Japan.

  1. Cultural Activities
  2. Temporary Visitor
  3. College Student
  4. Trainee
  5. Dependent

These statuses of residence that prohibit work in Japan are provided for in the Immigration Control Act.


In addition to these, the Immigration Control Act also provides for a "Designated Activities" status of residence, which allows for certain activities to be approved for individual foreign nationals designated by the Minister of Justice, including some that may permit work.